How and Why Should Schools Punish Students (If at All)?
With principal investigators John Tillson (Liverpool Hope University) and Winston C. Thompson (The Ohio State University) at the helm, this Center for Ethics & Education funded project brings together emerging and established scholars from a range of institutions and disciplines (inter alia, education, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, and sociology) to discuss the defensibility of punishment in schools, addressing the specific complexities of two similar though distinct contexts (i.e., the US and the UK). This shared work endeavors to establish and explore normative criteria by which to evaluate and inform decisions about school discipline policies and practices.
How do we conceive of our work?
Read about Our project in this featured interview published
in Psychology Postgraduate Affairs Group Quarterly!
We sat down with PsyPAG Quarterly’s Laura Oxley to discuss our interdisciplinary project. To read the entire issue, please visit the PsyPAG Quarterly website!

Learn more about our multidisciplinary group of scholars studying an urgent set of ethical questions related to punishment in schools.